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Physics (BS)

This is one of Michigan's high-demand, top careers


Physics is the study of matter, energy and generally how the universe behaves. This is usually done through in-depth investigation of the physical world around us, including sound, light, electricity, magnetism and the structure of atoms. The physical world is a dynamic one, with new discoveries taking place that change the way we look at the universe. The SVSU Physics program is prepared to help you learn to navigate this field and prepare you for your future plans, whether for graduate school or a career. You will receive the fundamental scientific training to enable you to make discoveries of your own. You will learn to work individually and collaborate with others as you progress through the entire course of study. You will be exposed to comprehensive knowledge of physics in both theoretical and experimental work, where you will learn to carry out precise, meaningful measurements of physical data. From its courses to its dedicated professors, the SVSU Physics program will help better your understanding of this demanding field throughout your intellectual journey and prepare you to achieve your professional goals.

Cardinal Points

  • Students in the program have published their research in top professional journals such as the Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, and European Journal of Physics. 

  • Students, upon graduation, have been accepted into various graduate programs in physics and engineering such as Pennsylvania State University and University of Wisconsin. Such appointments usually also come with graduate tuition waivers, teaching assistant positions or fellowships.

  • Students have the opportunity to complete research projects and, in the past, have presented their results at the Dow Corning Symposium in Science and Engineering or at regional physics conferences.

In this program, students take courses focused on physics, theoretical mechanics, electricity and thermodynamics. They also gain valuable research experience by completing a project with the guidance of a professor in a field of physics such as solid state or condensed matter physics. This program teaches individuals how to carry out experiments, how to draw solid conclusions from data and how to communicate the results in laboratory reports—developing their critical thinking, problem-solving and scientific skills. A student planning to major in Physics is also encouraged to take a year of college calculus as early as possible.

Highlighted Courses

Year 1

  • CHEM 111 General Chemistry I Lecture  
  • CHEM 111L General Chemistry I Lab
  • CHEM 112 General Chemistry II Lecture
  • CHEM 112L General Chemistry II Lab
  • MATH 161 Calculus
  • MATH 162 Calculus II

Year 2

  • MATH 261 Calculus III
  • MATH 262 Differential Equations
  • PHYS 211 Analytical Physics I
  • PHYS 211L Introductory Physics I Lab
  • PHYS 212 Analytical Physics II
  • PHYS 212L Introductory Physics II Lab

Year 3

  • PHYS 301 Theoretical Mechanics
  • PHYS 302 Electricity & Magnetism
  • PHYS 309 Introduction to Modern Physics
  • PHYS 312 Thermodynamics
  • PHYS 313 Mathematical Methods
  • PHYS 320 Junior Laboratory
  • PHYS 332 Modern Optics & Holography

Year 4

  • PHYS 400 Senior Laboratory
  • PHYS 402 Physical Optics
  • PHYS 403 Intro to Quantum Mechanics
  • PHYS 497 Senior Research

Key Electives

  • PHYS 404 Solid State Physics
  • PHYS 442 Laser Physics and Optoelectronics

Click here to see a listing of programs




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Our Students After Graduation...


Dow Chemical
Auto-Owners Insurance

Graduate Programs

Pennsylvania State University
Rice University
Montana State University
University of Wisconsin

Career Opportunities

Software development
Research and development
Equipment design
Testing laboratories
Semiconductor technology
Information technology

  • 14% job growth for physicists, astronomers, optical engineers and research scientists. (U.S. Dept. of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics)
  • $119,580 is the median yearly pay for an experienced physicist in the U.S. (U.S. Dept. of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics)
  • Majoring in physics at SVSU is excellent preparation for careers at non-profit research centers, industry, schools and universities and federal agencies such as NASA, the Department of Energy and the Department of Defense. Career possibilities include areas such as education, research, applied science and equipment design. A degree in physics can also serve as preparation for medical school and law school.